Disintegration effect in Houdini

Disintegration effect

add font node add extrude node click top bar -> model -> shatter chunkcenters -> force total count: 500 add assemble node check create packed primitives display as: centroid (check display point numbers) add attribute wrangle node group: 439 (select a point on the edge) Vex: f@temperature = 1000; add pyro source spread node cooling rate: 0.02 rate: 0.15 search radius: 0.2 (uncheck display point numbers) add group expression group type: points Vexpression: @totalburn>3 add attribute wrangle group: group1 vex: i@active = 1; add null node name it OUT_font add dop network node and dive inside add rbd packed object SOP path: select OUT check overwrite attribute... add rigid body solver add gravity assemble node -> display as -> full geometry go into DOP network add pop wind node (feed into 2nd input of rigid body solver) wind velocity: 3 0 0 amplitude: 0.6 swirl size: 0.5 add pop collision ignore feed into pop wind add pop wrangle (feed into pop collision node) vex: if(@v.x != 0 ) { @pscale *= 0.9; } add another attribute wrangle node (above NULL node) vex: @pscale = 1; chunkcenters -> force total count: 1000 add dop import node dop network: select dopnet1 import style: create points to represent object add transform pieces node feed voronnoi fracture node in 1st input feed dopimport1 into 2nd



Veröffentlicht: 11.2024