Retopo reducing remeshing polygons geometry in Houdini

Retopo reducing remeshing polygons geometry

show polycount

hit D key -> guides tab -> additional information geometry information: Always On

show viewport frames per second (FPS) for animation

in viewport press D key -> guides tab -> check draw time (FPS)

retopo with polyreduce

add polyreduce node percent to keep: 30

retopo with remesh node

(it's adaptive and can also reduce or increase the polycount) edge lengths: adaptive

retopo with remesh to grid

(like metaballs, combines objects and creates a single mesh) add remesh to grid node

retopo with quad remesh

(to get quads) add quad remesh node topology tab -> target quad count: set this

retopo with fuse node

add fuse node snap distance: increase this

splitting separating based on size

add some complex test geo add connectivity node connectivity type: primitive add measure node (to see the attribute: geometry spreadsheet -> click primitives icon attributes: area) accumulate: per piece add blast node group: @area<0.5 check delete non selected

retopo with 3dcoat

export from houdini

add transform node scale: 500 add ROP Geometry Output node and output obj

import into 3DCoat

startup dialog -> perform retopogy -> Perform auto-retopology Required poly count: 30 000 Capture Details: 80% File -> export Poly Object

import into houdini

add file node and load the exported obj add transform node scale: 0.002

Veröffentlicht: 03.2022