3d coat
notes for 3d coat:
alt + left mouse rotate w toggle wireframe view numpad 5 toggle between ortho/perspective view numpad 2,4,6,8 front, left, right, back numpad 1,7 bottom, top tab full screen mode space open tools panel t brushes panel [ ] increase/decrease brush size shift + RMB up/down control strength of smooth s symmetry crtl + d deselect (pose tool)
texture projection painting
(export model as obj with UVs from houdini) in 3Dcoat -> close opening dialog file -> import -> model for per pixel painting texture width: 4096 texture height: 4096 windows -> panels -> smart materials create new one and name it click plus button to open smart material editor green dot icon ...Click to Select Color Texure name: sometex preferred mapping: from camera click save in Material/Stencil Control Panel use move icons in last tap to arrange image select a brush and a layer to paint on then start painting use [ ] to increase/decrease brush size use numpad 5,8 to go to ortho mode and front to hide image again, click X in smart materials for best results, use ref photos of corners too and make sure when shooting the ref photos the lighting is flat, diffuse and has lots of depth with f/11 for perfect seams to export go to File -> Export Objects and Textures
(draw a voxel thing, convert to surface) go to Retopo room
points to polygons tool
left click on mesh to add a couple of points then hover and use right mouse button to add polygons hold crtl to add loop cut to delete points: right click -> clear points
add/split tool
use right mouse button to move points around right click -> relax (to conform to object)
strokes tool
just draw horizontal and verical lines, then hit ENTER for arms, long shapes: draw vertical line at beginning and end, then add horizontal line to connect both, then hit ENTER then just select points to polygon tool and hold crtl to add some loop cuts (or use split rings tool) right click -> relax (to conform to object)
r-fill tool
it fills up empty inner parts automatically similar to cap tool or smart retopo tool
quads tool
draws quads change method on top: trapezoid direct parallel 2-click use the delete polygons tool to delete
brush tool
shift + RMB up/down control strength of smooth
auto topology modes
right click on object in sculpt tree -> AUTOPO -> or instant meshes
modelling like minecraft with constructor
objects -> constructor size: 40,40,40 draw some or hold CRTL to remove again
adjusting materials
right click on a shader -> construct new shader
change colors in sculpt tree
right click on object in tree -> Edit shader settings (use a shortcut to speed it up)
defining shortcuts
to define a shortcut for smooth: sculpt -> commands -> hover over smooth all then press END and some shortcut key
first duplicate object right click (on the duplicated object) -> substract from then select other object after that smooth all to get rid of sharp borders
create a thin layer on top, (clothes)
extruding (for belts, vest)
sculpt -> objects -> vox layer hover over top white shape to open menu select a brush draw a selection, use crtl to substract from selection and shift to smooth out curve tool options: layer offset: 0 thickness: 1.5 then hit apply then use split to refine some more
or use COPY
(creates ugly backing... use Extrusion instead) add a new layer sculpt -> adjust -> copy additional extrusion (top menu) -> 1 (use fill tool to close weird rund shapes on backside)
cut off parts of object
go into otho mode by pressing numpad 5 and 2,4,8 sculpt -> adjust -> cut off then hover over top white shape to open menu select a lasso tools check ignore back faces
creating holes
just use circle :D uncheck ignore back faces and check depth limit to cut some planar shapes on the surface
split object up into single parts
go into otho mode by pressing numpad 5 and 2,4,8 sculpt -> objects -> split then hover over top white shape to open menu select a lasso tools check ignore back faces (check Through All Volumes to cut through multiple objects in the Sculpt Tree!!) use vox hide to temporarely hide parts then geometry -> unhide all to show them again to get nicely defined cuts, scroll to bottom and use 3x: sculpt -> commands => smooth all
to get rings
select split, then draw a curve then find the Transform selected points in top bar and move it up/down and pressing enter to cut speedup workflow with defining a shortcut for smooth sculpt -> commands -> hover over smooth all then press END and some shortcut key
making selections, changing proportions
sculpt -> transform -> pose then hover over top white shape to open menu select a lasso tools check ignore back faces draw a selection, use shift to add to a selection click smooth selection a couple of times to feather go into otho mode by pressing numpad 5 and 2,4,8 click Align to View to straighten axis to view ... scale and rotate ... crtl + d to deselect
duplicate and align objects
(copy & transform, cloner, instance) add a new layer (uncheck symmetry) sculpt -> objects -> primitives add a sphere and move it into position sculpt -> transform -> axial
adding primitives for sculpting, library
windows -> panels -> sculpt models
sculpt -> objects -> import
extrude tool
(stamp in/out details) sculpt -> surface -> extrude open brushes panel (shortcut t) and select a brush (enable symmetry: s) hold crtl to invert brush
cut off tool
(first go into ortho mode, numpad 5,2,4,6) sculpt -> adjust -> Cut Off hover over white circle/square on top to show menu for changing the selection shape
render without background
render tab -> Settings -> check Store Alpha Channel click Render, save as TIF
exporting model and textures
file -> export object & textures
head retopo
sculpt a head with eyes/mouth apply old copper shader (top right icons) sculpt tree -> right click on Volume -> AUTOPO AUTOPO for Per Pixel outer shell: avoid overlaps, all outside! inner shell: all inside (grid hidden)
drawing horns, tentacles
use curves tool and set points increase/decrease intersections with right mouse or just use spikes tool for a quick tentacle
set specific poly count
in Sculpt view -> commands -> Resample
save workspace
windows -> store workspace
3D Coat Basics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPHCOWg6YkI 3D Coat Hard Surface Concepting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RYzj0pJxNM 3D Coat overview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FCbuQIaJkM&list=PLEj8R69pAab2qa0VsT270aSL7YyzlTf2-