DaVinci Resolve

notes for DaVinci Resolve:


shift z zoom out and fit timeline click mousewheel pan timeline alt mousewheel zoom timeline cmd + zoom in cmd - zoom out l play forward (press 2x for faster) j play backward k stop home go to beginning i set in (clips and timeline too!!) o set out option / play from in to out cmd f preview fullscreen alt x clear in/out points , and . nudge clip forward/backward 1 frame n disable snapping shift s turn on/off audio while scrubbing crtl b split window f flatten out curve in curves editor space play shift d bypass color correction shift 1 project manager cmd , preferences

add film look (1/8 black pro mist, grain)

go to color tab (add node, label: nr) (remove RGB noise, do this before adding grain) motion effects button spacial threshold -> chroma: 7 enable temporal NR temporal threshold -> chroma, luma: 20 add node, label: exp contast: 1.4 gain: move wheel to left, 0.95 (reduces highlights) play with it until it looks right (after adding glow) (add node, label: balance) offset: (only adjust if whitebalance is off...) gamma: (only adjust if whitebalance is off...) (use waveform graph and bring colors together) add node, label: glow openFX -> Glow shine threshold: 0.34 composite type: soft light spread: 0.24 add node, label: global adj adjust lift, gamma, gain wheels (soft clip -> low soft and high soft) (adjust only if bottom of curve is clipped...) add node, label: LUT (add come cool LUT here...) add node, label: global grain openFX -> Grain Film Grain Presets: 35mm 400T Opacity: 0.7 Grain size: 0.4 Grain strength: 0.4




color tab add new node -> openFX -> Glow Sine Threshold: 0.875 composite type: Screen add new node -> openFX -> Film Grain Film Grain Presets: 35mm 400T Opacity: 0.7

clear in/out

mark (top menu) -> Clear In and Out or alt x

enable autosave

preferences -> user tab -> project save and load -> live save

web export settings for html5 player (NOT youtube!)

tab: h264 master Format: Quicktime Codec: H.264 Audio: LinearPCM then compress to MP4 in Miro Video Converter

delete audio track

right click -> link clips click on audio track -> right click -> cut

shot match

(get same color correction as in sample image!!) preferences -> user -> color -> use legacy shot match grab a sample still image place it onto the timeline color tab -> set top dropdown to clip click on still image cmd + click on clip -> right click -> shot match to this clip

fish eye lens correction

(use studio version, for automatic correction)

or the hard way

fusion tab shift space -> lensDistort node

install resolve in linux

sudo apt install xorriso libssl1.0.0 ocl-icd-opencl-dev fakeroot download latest linux resolve from website: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/ download MakeResolveDev script here: https://www.danieltufvesson.com/makeresolvedeb

extract both to /downloads/

move makeresolvedeb script into Davinci Folder sh makeresolvedeb_16.1.2-1.sh lite sudo dpkg -i davinci-resolve16.1.2-1amd64.deb

HIdpi in terminal:

QT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO=2 /opt/resolve/bin/resolve

HIdpi in launcher:

env QT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO=2 /opt/resolve/bin/resolve



save project with media

open resolve to have startscreen with projects the right click on a project -> export (copy all source files into a new folder) and relink files


create an archive with all media (weird long paths...)


click on home button, bottom right to open Projects dialog right click on project -> export project archive


in Projects dialog right click -> restore project archive

reverse clip

right click on clip -> change clip speed -> check reverse

see FPS from media

in media, change to list view then see ALL tabs for FPS

see FPS from current project

file -> project settings -> master important for new projects: if there are videos in pool you cannot change FPS anymore, so remove then and change!

empty slug

edit tab -> leftside toolbox -> generators -> solid color

adjustment layer

edit tab -> leftside toolbox -> effects -> adjustment clip place on top of all layers

importing SVG

doesnt recognize, just use PNG

stabilize shot (remove pan)

go to color tab click on tracker icon and change dropdown to stabilizer check camera lock

change color of moving object

go to color tab -> qualifier tab (pipette tab) then select the colors in videos after that change offset wheel to desired color then go to window tab (next to pipette tab) chose path -> drag around the object then go to tracker tab (next to window tab) need to track forward AND backward so first click play button then go back to original keyframe position and click backwards play button

color corrections

go to color tab top bar (right side) -> switch from clip to timeline in nodes field -> right click -> add node -> corrector then drag and connect green in/out on both sides (click on number in node to toggle on/off)

general color adjustments

click color wheel icon image is divided into tonal regions: Lift Dark regions Gamma Midrange regions Gain Bright regions add blue to dark areas add magenta to midrange areas and add orange to bright areas also drag masterwheel (bottom) slightly to right press shift + d to toggle before/after color correction


fast adjustments: press A, then adjust contrast, shadows, highlights

selective color change

click curve icon select hue vs sat pick a color on the video clip then adjust the new point on the curve

adding custom LUT (cube file)

add another corrector node after first one click wheel icon (bottom right) -> color management -> lookup tables click open LUT folder create a new folder, paste the new LUT then click Update Lists open LUTS menu from top find new LUT and drag it onto the second corrector node to adjust intensity of LUT find Key button in middle of screen Key output: Gain then adjust each clip individually change dropdown to from timeline to Clip on top


timeline -> output blanking -> 2.39

add transition

click once in middle between 2 clips on timeline (until green line appears) effects library (top screen) -> click on cross dissolve drag cross dissolve onto the green line

show history window

edit -> History -> open history window

preview full screen

cmd +


workspace -> viewer mode -> cinema viewer

add text

effects library -> titles -> text

safe areas for titles (title safe guides)

view -> safe area -> on

add digital zoom in to make static images more interesting

click on clip inspector -> dynamic zoom click swap to inverse direction then click the dynamic zoom button (first under video preview window) to adjust frame and its center


select clip on timeline set playhead to beginning of clip, transform -> set keyframe move playhead to end, zoom in and set another keyframe do for each clip!

adding fade in

drag top corner of clip

adding audio fx, fairlight

add audio clip and go to fairlight tab effects library -> audio FX -> drag effect onto audio clip click inspector button and scroll down to effect setting

see audio waveforms and align clips with music

find timeline view options button in middle of screen adjust track height


drag audio track to enlarge height to see the sound waves

set playback range on timeline

define playback range on timeline with pressing i and o, click loop button play back selection with option / (press cmd + F for fullscreen)

speed change

select clip -> right click -> change clip speed enter 40 % then drag clip end out to new end

rules for 24fps project, shot at 60fps:

original 30 fps clip -> can be slowed down to 80 % original 60 fps clip -> can be slowed down to 40 % original 120 fps clip -> can be slowed down to 20 %


(if only in 30fps shot, interpolate with optical flow setting!) or just shoot in 120fps or 60fps :D in davinvi, create new project, 29.9 fps import 120fps clip (in dialog, DONT change fps setting) place clip on timeline -> righclick -> retime controls (move cursor to beginning of speedchange) click on 100> -> add speed point (this splits it up into sections) in section -> click on arrow -> change speed right click on curve -> retime curve then just smooth out points inspector -> retime and scaling -> retime process: optimal flow motion est.: enhanced better



automatically cut video based on scenes

(17, works best if there are hard cuts and no transitions) media tab -> right click on video -> scene cut detection Auto scene detect -> add cuts to media pool

remove sound part of clip

right click -> uncheck link clips (or click Link selection button) then press backspace to delete

remove gaps for clips placed sequentially (ripple delete)

(if a clip gets deleted then there is a gap) click on the gap press backspace to delete

slide slip clips on timeline

click trim edit button hover mouse in middle and top half of clip now move left and right

roll (move cuts without affecting overall timing)

click trim edit button hover on end of clip to drag cut to the left/right

trim clips

click trim edit button hover near end of clip and find trim option to trim audio, first unlink clip: right click -> uncheck link clips

move clips to new position

start dragging clip hold cmd shift while dragging clip to new position


select clip right click -> ripple cut go to new position -> right click -> paste insert (lock audio layer)

selecting and inserting

go to Edit tab (skip/disable Cut tab) enable media pool (on top) -> double click on a video l play forward (press 2x for faster) j play backward k stop cmd f fullscreen i set IN o set OUT alt x clear in/out points F9 insert clip on timeline (avoid cuts with locking existing audio layers) n toggle snapping option + / play only selection: to make changes to IN/OUT just doubleclick the clip or drag end points on timeline


working with subclips: not needed, just insert clip after defining i/o directly onto timeline disadvantages of subclips are that IN and OUT points cannot be moved anymore...

importing media

browse to files and drag into media pool


media tab -> drag folder from left side to bottom then click DON'T CHANGE frame rate (or it would reset the frame rate set in project settings) click on list icon to see the frame rates of files

update clip thumbnail, set poster frame

hover over movie and find a good representational frame right click -> set poster frame

disable Cut tab (Cut page)

Workspace -> Show page -> uncheck Cut

new project settings

(set resolution & frame rate) click wheel icon on bottom right (or File -> Project Settings -> Master Settings tab) timeline resolution: 1920 x 1080 timeline frame rate: 30 playback frame rate: 30 video format: HD 1080 30

create preset

click wheel icon on bottom right -> presets tab (or File -> Project Settings -> Preset tab) select current project -> save as

Published: September, 2020