Draw fence tool (pallisades) in Houdini

Draw fence tool (pallisades)

add draw curve node projection tab -> projection: ZX plane (stroke tab -> delete strokes) add resample node check max segment length length: 0.13 add attribute randomize node attribute name: scale min value: 1 0.8 1 1 (start new node tree on top again) add tube node add group node check keep by normals -> enable direction: 0 1 0 spread angle: 70 (this selects only the top poly) add polybevel node group: (select the group) check all output groups add 2 color nodes and color tip and stem add match size node justify Y: min (to align it to floor) add copy to curve node and feed match size and attribute randomize nodes check pack and instance (to get color attributes) target up vector: Y axis

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Published: August, 2024