Create a montage/mosaic in Houdini

Create a montage/mosaic

first set up imagemagick (mac)

in terminal

(remove old installation and avoid paths errors ... dyld Library not loaded. Reason: image not found) brew install imagemagick which convert (to find new path)

change env file

vim /Library/Preferences/houdini/17.5/houdini.env

PDG_IMAGEMAGICK="/usr/local/bin/magick" PDG_FFMPEG="/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg"

create montage

add TOP network go inside add file pattern node (this loads all files in a DIR) glob pattern: $HIP/render/* shift-v (cook node) add image magick node operation: convert check width, height, 200 filename: $HIP/render/$HIPNAME/{inputfilename}.exr common -> check remove background black part of command add wait for all node (this collects all images together) add another image magick node operation: montage common -> enter this: /usr/local/bin/montage {inputimages} -mode concatenate {outputimage} (otherwise error no images found for operation -mode ) /usr/local/bin/montage {inputimages} -mode concatenate -tile 3 {outputimage} to get 3 columns


Published: August, 2021