Procedurally select and grow polygon selection in Houdini

Procedurally select and grow polygon selection

with soft transform

add group expand node and set base group (starting polys) Steps: set it here add group promote node Convert From: Primitives To Points give it new name add soft transform node select group here

quick soft transfrom around a point:

add edit node in viewport press s (for points), click on a point press t (for transform) and drag the point out (press m to change handle alignment to world) then use mouse wheel to increase/decrease soft transform radius

grow or shrink polygons selection:

shift - G to grow it shift - S to shrink it

with bounding box:

add a group node below some geo and check display flag (group type: points) keep in bounding regions -> check enable bounding type: bounding sphere then move sphere/box in viewport for poly selection

with normal direction:

keep by normals -> check enable direction: 0 1 0 (to select all upwards points normals) spread angle: 60

excluding/inverting a group

group: !group1 (or use group invert node)

selecting patterns

add group expression node group type: points VEXpression -> click dropdown to select

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Published: August, 2019