Combining materials (materialx), transparency and alpha in Karma in Houdini

Combining materials (materialx), transparency and alpha in Karma

go to /mat context add karma material builder node and dive inside delete input node add 2 Mtlx Standard Surface nodes, name them: fg, bg feed them both into mtlx mix node (signature: Surface Shader) then feed the mtlx mix node into the surface output node add 2 mtlx image nodes, name them: artwork, alpha feed artwork into base color of fg node feed alpha into mix channel of mtlxmix node (signature: float)

node graph

┌──┤ mtlx standard surface ├──┐ │ (fg) │ mtlx image ├────┘ │ (artwork) │ │ └──┤ mtlx mix ├──┐ mtlx standard surface ├─────────────────┤ │ (bg) ┌────┤ │ │ └──┤ output │ ┌───────┤ mtlx image ├───┘ │ (alpha) │ properties ├───┘

Veröffentlicht: 11.2023