UV flatten, UVs with preexisting or random seams in Houdini

UV flatten, UVs with preexisting or random seams

(setup UV sample scene) (setup UV viewport and visualizer) add autoUV node from sidefx labs shelve (gamedev) add uv flatten node flattening method: angle based check preserve seams (click into UV view window, press Enter)


flattening method: Spectral (SCP) check preserve seams check preserve island boundary shapes (this removes distortion by applying a uniform relax on the interior of each UV island!!) (click into UV view window, press Enter) add vertex split node attribute: UV add group node uncheck basegroup check include by edges check unshared edges group type: edges name it: seams_out (maybe add group transfer node or) add another UV flatten node flattening method: angle based uncheck preserve seams seams: final-seams-group now adjust seams in group nodes use shift-a click to select lines in between click repack button in last uvflatten node



Veröffentlicht: 08.2021