Create smoke with heat, hot areas, fire in Houdini

Create smoke with heat, hot areas, fire

set dark background in viewport

(to make the volume easier to see) in viewport press D background tab -> color scheme: dark

create a volume

add pyro source node mode: volume scatter particle separation: 0.02 add attribute noise node, name it density attribute names: float: density click on white PIN icon to enable visualization check remap ramp move sliders more to the middle for some very dense areas noise pattern -> element size: 0.7 offset: 20 check animation (enable real time toggle on timeline) add another attribute noise node, name it temperature attribute names: float: temperature click on white PIN icon to enable visualization check remap ramp move sliders more to the middle for some very dense areas (check it's the right visualizer by right click on other PIN icon ride side of viewport) noise pattern -> element size: 0.5 offset: -20 check animation add another attribute noise, name it velocity attribute names: vector: v (check point trails on right side of viewport) range values: zero centered element size: 0.5 offset: 40 check animation animation -> pulse ducation: 0.5 add volume rasterize attributes node attributes: density temperature v visible volumes: density (like a mask) voxel size: 0.02

visualize fire and heat in viewport

add volume visualization node emission tab -> emission scale: 3.5 (play with it) emission field: density emission color field: temperature add null node, name it pyro out

creating the pyro solver

add dop network node, name it pyro solver, dive inside add smoke object node division size: 0.05 (0.02 for final) size: 4 4 4 center: 0 1 0 fiels tab -> add pyro solver node plug smokeobject into pyrosolver (first input) plug pyrosolver into output advanced tab -> check use openCL (speeds simulation up) simulation tab -> temperature diffusion: 0.2 cooling rate: 0.9 (to cool down quicker) shape tab -> disturbance: 0.1 turbulence: 0.1 add volume source node, plug into pyrosolver (last input) sop path: select the pyro out null node click source volume: density target field: density click source volume: temperature target field: density click field rank: vector source volume: v target field: vel operation: copy

to avoid mushrooming in pyro simulation:

add more noise and disturbance to break it up

caching the pyro simulation

in /obj/testgeo context (NOT inside the pyro solver) add dop/io node, this create 2 nodes in the dopimportfiled node, set: dop network: select the pyro solver dop node: smokeobject1 presets: pyro (remove cd, fuel, heat, rest) add volume visualization node (connect to out of dopimportfield) density scale: 2 shadow scale: 2 emission tab -> emission scale: 3.5 (play with it) emission field: density emission color field: temperature in filecache node -> file path: explicit geometry file: $HIP/geo/pyro-$ set frame range: 1-72 click save to disk

adding fire

add pyro bake volume node (feed the filecache node) smoke tab -> density scale: 13 smoke color: select a dark grey shadow density: 6 scatter tab -> enable fire tab -> enable fire

change cache memory to increase preview frames of simulation

pyro solver node -> cache tab -> cache memory: adjust

creating the pyro materials

to go stage context -> add scene import all node in obj/ context add a cam and lights next to the smoke go to mat/ context add xpu pyro preview node smoke tab -> density scale: 10 shadow density: 10 reduce scattering phase: -0.5 scatter tab -> intensity scale: 10 fire tab -> intensity scale: 50 assign the material to the smoke (in /geo context with material node or on stage)

changing color of fire and fine tune material

using the same color parameter for fire and scatter

/obj -> pyrobakevolume -> fire tab right click fire color ramp -> copy parameter /obj -> pyrobakevolume -> scatter tab right click scatter color ramp -> paste relative references /obj -> pyrobakevolume -> fire tab (click on the white arrow to open more parameters) right click color -> copy parameter /mat -> kma_pyropreview -> firetab right click on color -> paste relative references

adding a mask to control intensity of fire

/mat -> kma_pyropreview -> firetab check enable mask for more fine grained control (set fire intensity scale to high value, i.e. 50) mask center: 2 mask width: 2

using pyro simulation presets

add a geo node, dive inside press tab -> configure pyro ...


Veröffentlicht: 11.2023