Creating volumes for pyro simulations, smoke, wind, dry ice in Houdini
Creating volumes for pyro simulations, smoke, wind, dry ice
set dark background in viewport
(to make the volume easier to see) in viewport press D background tab -> color scheme: dark
creating volume source geometry
add sphere node
converting source geometry to volume
with iso offset node
add iso offset node name: density uniform sampling divs: 100
or with points from volume node (with cool noises)
add points from volume node points configuration: tetrahedral points separation: 0.02 jitter scale: 0.7 add attribute noise node, name it density attribute names: float: density
visualize noise
click on white PIN icon, to enable the visualizer click other white PIN icon (right to 3d viewport) (right mouse click on PIN icon -> click EDIT pen set using: min and max ) noise value -> check enable remap ramp drag slider in/out to increase contrast noise pattern -> element size: 0.3 check animation add another attribute noise, name it temperature attribute names: float: temperature (visualize noise, click on PIN!) noise value -> check enable remap ramp drag slider in/out to increase contrast noise pattern -> offset: 30 (so it's different from density) element size: 0.4 check animation add volume rasterize attributes node attributes: density temperature voxel size: 0.01 particle scale: 0.02 (adjust density ramp in attribute noise again now!) add vdb smooth+ node
adding volume to pyro solver (dop network)
(check real time toggle on timeline) add dop network node (feed volume into first input) (dive inside node) add pyro solver node (and connect to out) simulation tab -> buonyancy lift: 5 (how much smoke should rise) buoyancy dir: 0 1 0 (the direction of the smoke) set to 0 -1 0 for dry ice combustion tab -> uncheck shape tab -> dissipation: maybe adjust (how quickly smoke fades) disturbance: maybe adjust turbulance:maybe adjust advanced tab -> check use openCL (speeds it up) add smoke object node (feed into first input of pyrosolver) size: 3 3 3 (container) division size: 0.05 (resolution) check closed boundaries to fill up container (reduce Dissipation value, so smoke lasts longer) add volume source node (feed into last input of pyrosolver) input: first context geometry fields to match: density operations -> click source volume: density target field: density operation: add operations -> click source volume: temperature target field: temperature operation: add (play back and adjust the bounds in smokeobject)