For each loops in Houdini
For each loops
cloner example
add box add for each network feed box into foreach begin node foreach begin node method: fetch feedback foreach end node iteration method: by count gather method: merge each iteration add transform node in between
scaling multiple objects individually
(for many single/packed objects) add for each connected piece node connectivity node -> connectivity type: primitive in for each loop add a transform node pivot translate: $CEX $CEY $CEZ
snow generator
(puts some snow on top of objects) add some test geo add attribute delete node remove uvs, mat add group node group name: topparts check keep by normal direction: 0 1 0 spread angle: 33 add connectivity node connectivity type: primitive attribute: name attribute type: string prefix: piece add for each named primitive node go inside and: add polyextrude node distance: 0 check transform extruded front transform space: global translate: 0 0.1 0 check output back add vdb from polygons node voxel size: 0.005 add vdb smooth sdf node filter voxel radius: 3 iterations: 4 add convert vdb node convert to: polygons add merge node and merge with test geo (or use labs snow buildup)
multithreaded for each loops
add compile block nodes move the for each loop nodes inside foreach_end node -> check multithread when compiled
to find out which nodes won't work in the foreach loops
in network view press D context specific badges tab -> non-compilable SOP badge change it to normal (now there will be an icon displayed next to the node if it won't work within the foreach loop)
object merge for each loop