Sphere distributed on a grid in Houdini

Sphere distributed on a grid

add a sphere in a geo node make it smaller add grid and click on points tool add copy to points node feed sphere and grid check stamp inputs variable: scale Value: rand($PT) turn on numbers (next to point display) add transform node under the sphere uniform scale: stamp("../copy1", scale, 1) (copy1 node is name of copy stamp node) add sort node under grid node point sort: random then play with seed

give them each a different colour

add ADD_node (after grid node) check Delete Geometry but keep the points add points node (old!) use Add Color, right click on "Color" -> delete the channel in the color fields: rand($PT) rand($PT5) rand($PT2) to get b/w greyscale just use: rand($PT) rand($PT) rand($PT) click on copy node -> attribute tab -> check Use template points attributes

add variety with mountain node

add mountain node in roughness channel write: stamp("../copy2", fit(newroughvar,1,1000,0.01,0.99),1) (copy2 is name of copy stamp node, fit is range mapper, to map numbers 1-1000 to 0-1)

to get 1000 new shapes for the spheres

(it's slow, better use only 1 shape and rotate it) in copy stamp: newroughvar fit($PT,1,1000,0,1) in mountain node: stamp("../objects",newroughvar,10)

to rotate shapes for the spheres

(it's slow, better use only 1 shape and rotate it) in copy stamp: rot1 fit((rand($PT)),0,1,1,360) rot2 fit((rand($PT)*0.1),0,1,1,360) rot3 fit((rand($PT)*0.01),0,1,1,360) in transform node: stamp("../copy2",rot1,1) stamp("../copy2",rot2,1) stamp("../copy2",rot3,1)

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Veröffentlicht: 08.2019