Random variations of mesh in Houdini

Random variations of mesh

add simple mesh

add circle node type: polygon divisions: 24 open arc arc angles 0 180 add copy and transform node number 40 rotate: 1.5 1.1 2 scale: 1.006 add skin node add subdivide depth 2 add normal node add transform node add copy to points feed above tree into it second input: add circle type: polygon orientation: zx divisions: 3 add out node

create 1000 variations

add top network add wedge node wedge count: 2 (subdivisions of start/end) click + atttribute name: rotx Start/End: -15 15 go into mesh node -> copy and transform node enter @rotx into x rotate field add another wedge node wedge count: 2 (subdivisions of start/end) click + atttribute name: roty Start/End: -15 15 go into mesh node -> copy and transform node enter @roty into y rotate field ... same for z .... and shear values too! right click on wedge node -> dirty and cook selected node (shift-v) now click on points to see permutations :D add ROP geometry output node SOP path: select the out node of the mesh output file: $HIP/geo/$HIPNAME.$OS.`@wedgeindex`.bgeo.sc (middle mouse click on outputfile and wedge points to see values!) (create geo folder, where the files should be saved!) right click -> dirty and cook selected node (shift -v)

cache them

copy parameter from ROP geometry output in mesh network -> add file node under out node (don't connect) paste relative reference

render them

add ROP mantra node after ROP geometry outout node in TOP network output pictures: $HIP/render/$HIPNAME.$OS.`@wedgeindex`.exr right click on mantra node -> shift-v then so get 1000, just change number 2 to 10 in wedge

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Veröffentlicht: 08.2021