Karma XPU materials (materialX) in Houdini
Karma XPU materials (materialX)
in /mat context add Karma Material Builder node and dive inside delete the mtlxsurface and input nodes add Mtlx Standard Surface node and feed it into surface-output node
add Mtlx Image node and select a texture image here signature: color feed into Base-color of Mtlx Standard Surface node
roughness map
add Mtlx Image node and select a texture image here signature: float feed into specular-roughness of Mtlx Standard Surface node
normal map
add Mtlx Image node and select a texture image here signature: vector 3 add Mtlx Normal Map node mtlx imge --> (in) mtlxnormalmap (out) --> (normal) mtlx standard surface
to quickly create a normal map (from black and white tex)
go to /img context add file node and load some texture add labs normal from greyscale node add rop file output node or just use mtlx height to normal node
bump map
add Mtlx Image node and select a texture image here signature: float add Mtlx bump node feed img into height and out into normal
height map (displacement)
add Mtlx Image node and select a texture image here signature: float feed into mtlx displacement node adjust scale in mtlx displacement node: 0.02 (use mtlx remap node to remap range)
using noise nodes
first add mtlx position node then mtlx multiply node, then mtlx 3d noise node plug into base color channel of mtlx standard node start increasing values on multiply node first (feed into the mtlx displacement node)
subsurface scattering
plug mtlx image node (with the base-color) into subsurface-color and subsurface-radius on mtlx standard surface node go to Subsurface Tab Subsurface: 0.5 (if set to 1 it cancels out the normal map, maybe use displacement map additionally) Subsurface Scale: 0.03
display karma material preview in viewport (obj context)
add Karma Material builder inside set up a Karma Material, then go back one up (to /mat context) right click on karmamaterial -> Parameters and Channels -> Edit... add folder name it "See Tex" add toggle name it "Use diffuse" click Build-in Tags find Use Diffuse Map # add file image name it "diffuse map" click Build-in Tags find Texture #
pass point color
(add color nodes on geo) add mtlx geometry color node
add geometry property value node signature: color geomprop: displayColor plug into base-color of mtlx standard surface node
IOR (index of refraction) of materials
air 1 water 1.33 ice 1.309 white wine 1.338 red wine 1.3443 beer 1.34 orangejuice 1.351 PET 1.575 plastic 1.460 glass 1.5 milk 1.350 oil 1.470 wood 1.52 (all others too!)
glass material
add karma material builder node and dive inside select mtlxstandard_surface node specular tab: roughness: 0 index of refraction (IOR): 1.5 (or 1.4) transmission tab: transmission: 1
black surface (black spots) when rendering refractive materials
increase the refraction limit! so it can pass through more refractive surfaces! karma render settings: rendering -> limits -> refraction limit: 6
water material
add karma material builder node and dive inside select mtlxstandard_surface node specular tab: roughness: 0 index of refraction: 1.33 transmission tab: transmission: 1
red wine material
make sure glass object and wine fluid overlapp slightly (use peak node with distance 0.001 to push fluid out a bit) add karma material builder node and dive inside select mtlxstandard_surface node specular tab: specular: 0.2 roughness: 0 index of refraction: 1.34 transmission tab: transmission: 1 color: dark red depth: 0 stage context -> karmarendersettings -> renderings -> limits -> refraction limit: 20
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FB5-zOhiHgs https://pixelandpoly.com/ior.html https://vimeo.com/850635920 https://vimeo.com/850635969 https://www.sidefx.com/tutorials/solaris-is-sweet/